Sunday 23 October 2011

Foods eaten throughout the first week

After the detox I mainly incorporated salads back into my diet as the weather was still lukewarmish and alternating between hot foods like veggies.

Here are photos of the meals that I had eaten.

Short Soup (Wonton Soup) with chilli sauce for lunch

Smoked Trout with mixed lettuce and thousand island dressing for dinner

Steamed broccoli and cauliflower, poached garlic fish and lettuce with vinaigrette dressing for dinner

Hot salami slices as a snack

Turkey slices as a snack

Eggs and salami microwaved into an omelette for breakfast

Slice of toast, 2 poached eggs and 2 slices of light ham for breakfast

Poached garlic fish, lentil soup and a half slice of naan bread for dinner

Mango and passionfruit yoghurt

Weight Watchers Raspberry Jelly

Here’s a yummy steak salad recipe that I concocted.

A large bowl with balsamic vinegar filling the base of the bowl.

Mix in a spoon full of minced garlic and ginger mixed from a jar.

Heat a pan or skillet with some olive oil and cook steak to your liking. 

As I like mine medium rare I cooked it for a minute on the first side and 30 second on the second and turned the stove off (the remaining heat from the stove and the pan will do the rest of the cooking).

I added some mixed summer salads to my flavoured balsamic dressing and mixed well to ensure that all the leaves were well coated with the dressing.

I took the steak out of the pan and voila!!! A yummy lunch.

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