Sunday, 23 October 2011

Alternative motivation & inspiration

After the detox, I found it hard to keep up not being so strict any more and I found that I was slacking in terms of exercise and eating. I remembered that a while back (years) that I had downloaded the Coach to 5Km podcast from iTunes and decided to go on a bit of a browse to see if there was something there that would keep me motivated to not lie on the couch as much.

After searching for about an hour I was downloaded quite a lot of things, such as music for running to keep me motivate while on the treadmill (I am not a runner but it’s good to walk to funky beats to make you walk that additional Km).

I also found a very interesting and educational podcast called Cut the Fat. It talks about how to lose fat from your body instead of weight and also how to understand your body in doing this change.

It was quite interesting and the two speakers on the podcasts are professionals (one is a female body builder and the other a trained nutritionist). It’s very informative and I encourage you to download it and listen to while exercising.

I have also been using an Australian government funded program called Swap It which emphasizes on not eliminating all things bad at once but simply swapping it for a healthier alternative. For example, instead of having a large pasta swap it for a smaller portion and add a serve of veggies. The program can be downloaded onto your iPhone and you then just simply select what you want to swap and add them to your reminder list at a particular time slot. The only flaw with this program is that you can easily ignore the reminders and continue with your bad habits but the program does keep you in check with a weekly progress of how you did at swapping your normal routine for a healthier routine.

If you have ways to keep yourself motivated throughout your weightloss journey I would love to hear from them.

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