Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Week 18 Summary


There has been slacking in all aspects of life.

Diet & Fitness

This week I really wanted to get started on the second round of my P90X workouts. I thought of starting it on the Monday but (this is going to sound like an excuse) each time day I tried to do the workouts something came up. Whether it was that I had to run errands for mum or take care of some legal documentation for my case.

So I’ve decided to start the program next week. For some reason I have a tendency to feel better about starting such things on Mondays. I don’t know why I feel that way but it puts me in the right mindset.

In terms of diet, the Dukan diet isn’t going that great at the moment. I’ve decided to restart the Attack phase next week to get rid of the weight I have regained over the past 3 or so weeks from eating the brioches that I made and also all the foods eaten while on holidays and celebrating birthdays, etc.

So here’s to a fresh start next week.


Well I raised the courage yet again to give the Manager of this University a call and he mentioned that he had not heard from any of the interested parties at the University. He mentioned that I should call him at the end of the week to check in but I am really starting to think that this may be a bit of a dead end (for now anyways).

I’ve been a bit deflated in the ‘applying for work’ department. I don’t know why because I am ready to go back to work and I am eager to start earning some moolah again but I have just been slack in terms of sending my resume in. I think getting all those rejections emails and calls has somewhat seized me up a bit.

What do you do to get motivated when you’re stuck?

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1 comment:

  1. I find that the better I feel about myself overall, the more motivated I am. So a manicure always helps :D
    And looking back at my progress, that also helps.
    I am more useful when I don't feel that I'm useless!
